Background information
Manages technical aspects of regulatory approvals and reporting requirements related to the impacts of energy efficiency programs on the electricity grid.
Model Usage
- Policy Assessment
Proper demand side management planning can tell you exactly how much energy will be saved (translate this to GHG impacts), at what cost a portion of GHG policy goals can be effectively contracted to a program administrator that can be regulated for achieving contracted GHG goals.
Allows policy makers to review the costs and resulting impacts of different amounts or types of DSM investment.
- Other
1. Demand Side Management Potential Study (energy efficiency and demand response) modeling uses Baseline study surveys to tell us what upgrades are technically possible in all sectors and in what quantities,as well as what portion is economically attractive,and what portion the organization could conceivably achieve.
2. Demand Side Management Plan modeling compiles a specific suite of measures across all sectors in specific quantities to put together a Plan that can be approved by the regulator which achieves specific EE and DR goals at a set price over 3 year terms.
3. Electricity utility load forecasts are used in all the above.
4. All the above are used in an Integrated Resource Plan model.
5. Rate and Bill Impact Analysis modeling allows us to demonstrate the impact of EE and DR programs on customer bills over the long term (considering the costs and benefits of these programs).
Models Used
Model | Outputs used |
DSMSim | 1. Technical, 2. Economic, 3. Achievable DSM potential (energy/demand savings and costs) |
Rate and Bill Impact Assessment Model | None specified |