Kevin Birn


Background information

Kevin Birn, Vice President, North American Crude Oil Markets, IHS Markit and a Fellow at the Canadian Global Affairs Institute. Mr. Birn is based in Calgary and leads western Canadian crude oil market research services which includes the Canadian Oil Sands Dialogue. His expertise includes North American crude oil markets, crude oil logistics, crude oil GHG estimation, Canadian oil sands development, including oil sands cost and competitiveness, and Canadian energy and climate policy. Mr. Birn has authored over seventy reports related to western crude oil extraction and associated environmental and climate policy, including contributing to 2011 National Petroleum Council report “Prudent Development of Natural Gas & Oil Resources” for the US Secretary of Energy. Prior to joining IHS Markit, Mr. Birn was a Senior Economist with the Government of Canada and a Partner in a software firm. Mr. Birn holds an undergraduate degree in business and a graduate degree in economics from the University of Alberta. His oil sands research is publicly available from IHS Markit at