Sahand Behboodi


Informations générales

Specialized in energy system analysis and optimization, particularly demand response, energy markets and grid operation.

Utilisation de modèles

Évaluation des politiques


Modèles développés

ModèleInscrit comme
Interconnection-Wide Hour-Ahead Scheduling in the Presence of Intermittent Renewables and Demand Response: A Surplus Maximizing ApproachProjet de modélisation
Renewable Resources Portfolio Optimization in the Presence of Demand ResponseProjet de modélisation
Transactive Control of Fast-Acting Demand Response Based on Thermostatic Loads in Real-Time Retail Electricity MarketsProjet de modélisation

Modèles utilisés

ModèleExtrants utilisés
Machine learning models to predict the coincident peak load in AESO,IESO and ISO-NE

Determine the grid peak loads