Madeleine McPherson

Informations générales

Dr. Madeleine McPherson is an Assistant Professor in the Civil Engineering department at the University of Victoria and principal investigator of the Sustainable Energy Systems Integration & Transitions Group. Previously, McPherson worked as a Post-Doctoral researcher in the Grid Systems Analysis group at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) in Golden, Colorado. McPherson obtained her PhD in Civil Engineering from the University of Toronto in 2017. Her research focuses on integrating high penetrations of wind and solar PV onto electricity systems around the world. She has explored questions ranging from the impact of renewable resource characteristics on integration strategies, storage assets remuneration and integration in electricity system markets, and the interaction between electric vehicle charging profiles and grid decentralization. More recently, McPherson has developed and applied a methodology for exploring the role of demand response for facilitating increasing renewable penetrations. McPherson is the lead-author on numerous peer-reviewed journal articles, conference proceedings, reports, and presentations. Currently, McPherson is developing an integrated modelling framework to explore the sustainable energy transition in Canada.

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