Electricity Optimal Generation Planning & Operations Model

Modèle développé


Doluweera, Ganesh, Hossein Hosseini, and Evar Umeozor. 2018. “Economic and Environmental Impacts of Transitioning to a Cleaner Electricity Grid in Western Canada.” Study No. 174. Canadian Energy Research Institute. https://ceri.ca/assets/files/Study_174_Full_Report.pdf.

Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI)
Ganesh Doluweera, Hossein Hosseini, Evar Umeozor


This is a long-term generation and transmission planning and operations model. The underlying model is based on linear programming. The model is technology-rich, and the underlying database covers costs and technical attributes of thermal and renewable generating units. It can analyze and report results for up to 30 years.


To asses energy and GHG emissions implications of electric power sector operations under future economic and policy scenarios.


CERI, government, and academic users

Intrants clés

electricity demand, supply technology costs, policies, resource availability, fuel price, technology prices

Extrants clés

generation outlook,emissions,transmission

Développeurs répertoriés

Allan FogwillCanadian Energy Research Institute