Doluweera, Ganesh, Hossein Hosseini, and Evar Umeozor. 2018. “Economic and Environmental Impacts of Transitioning to a Cleaner Electricity Grid in Western Canada.” Study No. 174. Canadian Energy Research Institute. https://ceri.ca/assets/files/Study_174_Full_Report.pdf.
- Organisation
- Canadian Energy Research Institute (CERI)
- Développeur(s)
- Ganesh Doluweera, Hossein Hosseini, Evar Umeozor
This is a long-term generation and transmission planning and operations model. The underlying model is based on linear programming. The model is technology-rich, and the underlying database covers costs and technical attributes of thermal and renewable generating units. It can analyze and report results for up to 30 years.
- Applications
To asses energy and GHG emissions implications of electric power sector operations under future economic and policy scenarios.
- Utilisateurs
CERI, government, and academic users
- Intrants clés
electricity demand, supply technology costs, policies, resource availability, fuel price, technology prices
- Extrants clés
generation outlook,emissions,transmission
Développeurs répertoriés
Nom | Organisation |
Allan Fogwill | Canadian Energy Research Institute |